Wrexham Public Realm Upgrade

Larsen’s BS 7533 Paving Mortar System Streetscape products were used in Wrexham City Centre as part of their public realm upgrade initiative; a project to create a vibrant and attractive city centre to be enjoyed by all.

Job Description

Larsen’s BS 7533 Paving Mortar System Streetscape products were used in Wrexham City Centre as part of their public realm upgrade initiative; a project to create a vibrant and attractive city centre to be enjoyed by all. The project included the installation of 3,600㎡ Sandstone paving using Larsen’s Streetscape BS 7533 paving mortar system in the carriageway and footway in Wrexham City Centre, covering High Street, York Street, Church Street and Abbott Street with a mixture of sandstone slabs and setts.


Client Wrexham County Borough Council

Job Details

Larsen products used for the Wrexham Public Realm Streetscape Project included:

Larsen Streetscape BS 7533 Paving Mortar System comprising of FBC (Fine Bedding Concrete) supplied in silos. PS (Priming Slurry) and FJM (Flowable Jointing Mortar) in Natural, both supplied in 25kg bags were used to transform Wrexham City Centre into a one level public space to be enjoyed by all.

Learn more about these Streetscape products below:

Larsen Streetscape FBC Eco is a fine bedding concrete specifically designed to meet the recommended performance characteristics of BS7533. FBC is pre-blended under controlled systems and only requires the addition of water to produce a high quality BS7533 compliant mortar. Streetscape FBC is ideal for the installation of natural stone setts and cobbles, flags, concrete and clay pavers.

Larsen Streetscape Priming Slurry PS Eco bonding mortar is specifically formulated to exceed the ≥2 MPa adhesion bond strength necessary for bound system B as set out in BS 7533 part 101 (Code of practice for the structural design of pavements using modular paving units) when measured in combination with Larsen Streetscape FBC Eco permeable bedding mortar & Larsen Streetscape FBC Eco bedding mortar.

Larsen Streetscape FJM Eco slurry grout jointing mortar is specifically formulated to exceed performance characteristics as set out in BS 7533 part 101 (Code of practice for the structural design of pavements using modular paving units), clause 5.6, table 12. It is fast and efficient to apply, allowing the contractor to grout large areas of paving quickly.

Having commenced in Summer 2024, this Wrexham Public Realm project finished in November 2024.

Explore the full Larsen Streetscape range from bedding, priming, jointing, sealing and more here and specify these products for your next project on NBS.

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